
Monday, June 27, 2011

Take me out to the Ball Game

We took Lily out to the ball game on Friday night, along with her favorite little cousin. Lily spent the day with Aunt Lori and when we called ahead to say we were on our way, we were informed that they were so excited that they were waiting out for us on the front porch.

We made it to the stadium. It was for the Iron Pigs, the local minor league team. I had gone to a couple minor league games in Florida, but those were in tiny stadiums with bleachers. This was an honest-to-god ballpark with outrageous food prices and all.

Lily didn't really enjoy the game. She didn't have a nap earlier that day, and her bad mood was only exacerbated by the fact that she was too small to ride on the big inflatable slide when we got to the playground. She started crying these big blubbery tears and I felt terrible for her.

Her mood improved a little and we ran into my friend Frederick and Jen's friend Karen. Another of my friends was going to go up to the game, but she got sick and had to cancel and Eric had been up there the previous night. It seems like everyone I know found their way up there last week.

Lily conked out in the 7th inning, our team was losing and we looking at the sold out crowd thinking about how traffic was going to be, so we took off early. As we were putting her into the seat, she woke up briefly and asked about the fireworks, which were going to be held after the game. We told her that they were put off until July 4th weekend, and she seemed to accept that as she settled down to full sleepiness. 

Lily's cousin was sleeping over with us, so when we got home, we put Lily to bed, and Chris and I played some video games. I downloaded Little Big Planet as part of Sony's "Sorry for giving away all your personal information" campaign, and it is really a super fun game. Lily enjoyed designing the little sack girl and making her smile, and Chris and I had a wild time running through each level.

When the time came to take them home, what's usually a fifteen minute trip took almost an hour and a half, because of an accident that closed a big chunk of the highway. Both kids were really good though, even though they were bored and miserable.

Lily woke up in a good mood on Sunday morning (!) and decided that she wanted to clean her room (!!). She did that for a while, then she took off for church with Jen and then we all hung around the house for a bit until it was time to go to another cousin's birthday party. She had invited us to her surprise party last weekend, and strangely, didn't seem too surprised when she saw us!

The party was nice enough. There was one little girl there who was acting like a little monster, though. Lily has two cousins from this branch of the family, the one who was turning five, and one who is not quite three. I always try to keep an eye on the smaller kids at these kind of things. The little monster girl's balloon popped, so she just took one from the two-year-old, who was playing contentedly with her own balloon. I didn't want to discipline someone else's kid (and I didn't know to which adult she belonged), so I just grabbed an extra balloon and gave it to Lily's cousin. I did resolve to keep a close watch on this kid however.

That paid off when she started going through the bags of personal stuff we had on the blanket we were using. Lily was closer and she said to the little kid "That's my toy. Do you want me to show you how to use it?". The kid didn't respond to her, but kind of tried to hide the toy behind her back. I came over then and Lily said to me, "That little girl has my toy." The girl saw that she had attracted some grown up attention and wisely decided to drop Lily's toy back on the blanket. That was the end of it, but it really pisses me off when young kids try to bully even younger kids.

Lily realized that Baby Bear was missing, but Jen called around and somebody had turned her in at the store where we lost her, so all was well in the end.

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