
Monday, September 19, 2011

Notes from the week

Last Saturday, we went to Lily's cousin's party. The theme was Jake and the Neverland Pirates. My brother put on an episode during the party and Izzy, the girl pirate had a puzzle box that Captain Hook wanted, and every time they said something about the puzzle box, I couldn't help but think of Lemarchand's Box from the Hellraiser series.

The party was nice, but a little boy was mean to Lily, and that upset her for the rest of the party. I was happy to see that her other cousin stuck up for her though.

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Lily and I had a daddy/daughter date on Wednesday.Since she's has been complaining that everyone tells her what to do, we've been trying to let her make more decisions. I asked her how she wanted to spend her afternoon. "I want to go home and play on the computer." She is so my daughter.

I suggested the local Chinese buffet and she was all over that. Then we went home and played Wenkinz. She really, really likes it. She has two of them, and she bought them matching beds, matching sinks...and matching toilets.

This weekend was pretty full too. Jen and I had been looking forward to a meal at a Thai restaurant downtown all week. We decided to drive part of the way, park on the hill, then cross the bridge over the Delaware on our way to the place. We did this and as we we crossing the final block, we saw a bunch of police cars pull up and double park outside the restaurant. We crossed the street and we weren't sure if we should go in or not, but the waitress waved us in, so we sat down and had our meal. We eat had the house curry, Jen with soy and me with chicken, and it was neat, with lots of pumpkin, but as the on line reviews said, it was a bit too watery.

On Saturday, we hung out, Jen helped her Nan set up for a show, and we did some shopping. I joined Frederick and Danny, and we walked around a cemetery and played Dead Island. I was pleasantly surprised. I had heard a lot of bad things about the game, but Frederick told me that the patch mostly fixed them.

Cemetery Pictures:

Abel, hmmm? Does that make this the House of Mysteries or the House of Secrets? I can never keep them straight.

I went home at around ten and Jen and I streamed some TV, the Parenthood premier (and I think I need some antidepressants of my own after the hundredth time that fucking Abilify commercial played) and the pilot for Up All Night, which was downright inspired.

We had a leisurely Sunday, then Jen took off for church and I stayed home and played video games. She came back for Lily and we met Oma at a local carnival. Lily was so awful that we almost turned the car around. I think that if Oma hadn't been there waiting to see her, that's what we would have done. Lily was upset that she was too small to go on many of the rides, and I already made the Tom-Hanks-In-Big joke in an earlier post, so I'll spare you a rehash. We spent twenty dollars on the thousand different variations of moon bounces they had there.

Lily's mood was much improved when we got back home. Sunday night is becoming Make Your Own Pizza night, so that's what we did.

1 comment:

  1. Best blog entry featuring a casual reference to LeMarchand's box...EVER!!!
