
Friday, June 1, 2012

Promoted from the Comments: A Night in the Lonesome October Tribute Issue

I thought I'd bump Chris's post up from the comments in case anyone missed it:

An upcoming Zelazny tribute, via Lovecraft.


  1. Well, I just finished the first draft of my Lonesome October story. I wanted to keep it at around 3,000 words, so it'd be nice and tight, in proper Zelazny fashion.

    It's currently 8,200 words.

    There is editing to be done.

  2. I'm working on a story too. As much as I'd like it otherwise, I'm not much of a fiction writer; whatever meager talents I have work best the blog post format, but Zelazny was hugely influential on me, and I know I'll regret it forever if I don't submit something.

  3. I'm eager to see what you've written, Josh--hopefully your story makes it!

    Mine, on the other hand, has just finished with its first round of editing and didn't lose as many words as I'd hoped.

    In fact, it gained about 250.


  4. I figure I'll post it here if it doesn't make the grade. I was reading the submission guidelines and my main concern is that I think right now that I can impart a passable Zelazny tone to the piece, but Lovecraft's tone continues to elude me.

  5. I'll be honest, I didn't even _try_ for a Lovecraftian tone here (though I have done so in other stories I've written . . . not necessarily with any success, I'm sure). I just wanted it to feel like Zelazny's book--that was my primary concern.

    If you're looking for a Lovecraft tone, just insert 5 pages of a guy doing research (which will likely amount to nothing, thus making it an unnecessary waste of text) and add the word "eldritch" to your story wherever you can.

  6. Well, I went ahead and made my submission. Fingers crossed . . .

  7. I just heard back from Mike Davis (the editor over at the Lovecraft Ezine), and apparently my story is going to show up in the Lonesome October tribute issue.

    I am exceedingly happy about this!

    1. That's great news! I'm still working on mine. I'm no great shakes as a s fiction writer, but this is really a once in a lifetime opportunity and I know I'll regret it if I don't try.

    2. I have faith in you, Josh!

      If you're looking for some feedback on your story before you submit it, let me know! (And don't feel bad if you want to decline that offer--I know *I* wouldn't want to send my story to some weirdo on the Internet, so it's okay if you feel the same way.)

    3. I'm reasonably happy with it so far. My main concern is that I'll be duplicating a time period or an idea that someone has already submitted.

    4. All right. Made my submission. Now the waiting begins. Wish me luck!

    5. Good luck!!!

      (The extra exclamation points are luck multipliers. I'd have given you more, but I'm going to need the rest for when I go to the fair next weekend and play overpriced games for underwhelming prizes.)
