Friday, May 10, 2024

Where there had been darkness, I had hung my words

 My kid says I should write more here

I enjoyed the era of the Internet when blogs were...if not mainstream, then less fringe when they are now. That was my jam! An era where long form essays were posted on non-SEO-optimized (because SEO was not yet a thing) single purpose websites.

It was always fun discovering a new one (maybe through a blogroll!) that shared your passions, exposed you to new ways of thinking about something you loved and diving into the archives.

That would at times give rise to an occasional melancholy when you realized they had their heyday eight years ago, and output trickled down to nothing and they hadn't posted since the last Olympic Games.

And, hey, I'm describing myself here! 

(Obviously not the Olympic games, literally. That was a rhetorical device to denote a long period of time. I had some half-assed posts in April of last year.)

And my circumstances have changed. I'm busier. I write for eight to ten hours a day. I forget it if was Lindskold who said it, Zelazny or Lindskold quoting advice Zelazny had given her, but you never want to do a lot of writing in your day job, because of the simple fact that you're not going to want to do more writing when you get home.

Also, I have a kid who shares my distinctive last name and I don't want to post anything here that would make life more difficult than a teenager's life already is.

And on top of that, I'm an elected official these days(local board of education, which is still an elected position, even if people tend not to think of it this way) and subject to more scrutiny than other people might be.


I like reading what I wrote. Most of it. Typos are always embarrassing, and my views have evolved, as anyone's should. There are things I posted back then that I would not post today.  Or would at least express with more nuance and sensitivity.  But learning from our mistakes is how we grow.

I don't delude myself that my writing here is important. But just the same, I'm happy that people have enjoyed reading what I wrote. I enjoyed writing it. 

It's right there in the name of the blog: "Where there had been darkness, I had hung my worlds. They were my answer. When I finally walked that Valley, they would remain after me."

And longtime readers are familiar with the origin story, that I misread "worlds" as "words", but the sentiment is the same. They both represent the act of creation.  Writing, creating in such a way, is a good thing. Holy, even, in its way.

So, maybe this marks a return, on a smaller scale, to hanging the occasional word in the darkness. 

Blogger Tricks

Monday, April 10, 2023

10 April 2023: Roger Zelazny Poetry Month: Snuff Epigram

My first prompt was: Write an epigram about Snuff from A Night in the Lonesome October.

"Snuff, a sniff of mystery and intrigue,

Ignites the senses and kindles intrigue,

A powder of power, a vice of the night,

In the game of the Lonesome October, it adds to the delight."

Which serves to illustrate the limits of the process as well as the importance of precision in questioning.

I refined it to: Write an Epigram about the dog named Snuff from Roger Zelazny's A Night in the Lonesome October.

 "Snuff, the faithful hound with knowing eyes,

His loyalty unwavering, his spirit wise,

A guardian of secrets, a keeper of the night,

In the game of the Lonesome October, he is a guiding light."

Sunday, April 9, 2023

09 April 2023: Roger Zelazny Poetry Month: Rinaldo's Redemption: A Rock Opera of Amber

Prompt: Outline a rock opera about Rinaldo/Luke from Roger Zelazny's Amber books. Give the title, an outline and several song titles 

Title: Rinaldo's Redemption: A Rock Opera of Amber

Outline: Rinaldo, also known as Luke, is a warrior of Amber, a realm of reality that exists alongside many others. He has a troubled past, having once been a member of a group of rebels who opposed the rulers of Amber. However, he has since been reconciled with the ruling family and now fights for them. Rinaldo's Redemption follows his journey as he battles against those who would seek to destroy Amber and confronts his own demons along the way.

Act I:

Song 1: "Rebel Heart" - Rinaldo sings about his past as a rebel and the reasons why he joined the fight against the ruling family of Amber.

Song 2: "The Call to Arms" - The rulers of Amber summon their armies to defend against a new threat, and Rinaldo joins the battle.

Song 3: "Brothers in Arms" - Rinaldo and his fellow warriors fight together against the enemy, and he begins to realize that he has found a new family in his comrades.

Act II:

Song 4: "The Betrayer" - Rinaldo discovers that there is a traitor in their midst, someone who is working against them from within.

Song 5: "Sins of the Past" - Rinaldo confronts his own past and the mistakes he has made, realizing that his actions have consequences.

Song 6: "Redemption" - Rinaldo makes amends for his past by taking a stand against the traitor and proving his loyalty to Amber.

Act III:

Song 7: "The Final Battle" - Rinaldo and his comrades face off against the enemy in a final battle to determine the fate of Amber.

Song 8: "The Triumph of the Warrior" - Rinaldo emerges victorious and is hailed as a hero by the people of Amber.

Song 9: "Homecoming" - Rinaldo returns to his family in Amber and is welcomed with open arms, finally finding a sense of belonging.


Song 10: "The Winds of Change" - Rinaldo reflects on his journey and the lessons he has learned, realizing that change is a constant in life and that he must always be ready to face new challenges.

I must say, this project has evolved in some unexpected directions since it began.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

08 April 2023: Roger Zelazny Poetry Month: Kenning Poetry about Jack of Shadows

Prompt: Write Kenning Poetry about Jack of Shadows from Roger Zelazny's book of the same name.

Jack of Shadows, the master of night,

Shadow-stalker, shrouded in starlight,

Twilight-thief, thief of the unseen,

Moon-marauder, king of the obscene.

Darkness-dealer, lord of the unknown,

Shade-shaper, shaman of the shadowzone,

Dream-weaver, spinner of the surreal,

Illusionist, master of the unreal.

Eclipse-enthraller, ruler of the eclipse,

Dusk-dweller, lord of the shadow's eclipse,

Night-phantom, specter of the nocturnal,

Gloom-god, god of the shadows eternal.

I think the bot has been hit or miss with past installments, but this one works okay. That might be my bias talking, as I think the prompt is well-aligned with my conception of the character, so it works better than other formats might.

Friday, April 7, 2023

07 April 2023: Roger Zelazny Poetry Month: Roadmarks - sung to the tune of Country Roads

Prompt:  Rewrite the lyrics of Country Roads to describe the events of the book Roadmarks by Roger Zelazny

(Verse 1)

Almost heaven, the Road begins

A journey through time, where reality thins

From a dystopian world, to ancient Rome

The Roadmarks take us to places unknown


Take me on, Roadmarks highway

To the worlds and times, that Zelazny made

Take me on, Roadmarks highway

To adventure and danger, where fate is not swayed

(Verse 2)

The Road winds through dimensions

A path to explore with no apprehension

From the future to the past

The Roadmarks take us very fast


Take me on, Roadmarks highway

To the worlds and times, that Zelazny made

Take me on, Roadmarks highway

To adventure and danger, where fate is not swayed


The Roadmarks show the way

To places that don't exist today

From alternate realities to twisted dreams

The Roadmarks can be wild and extreme


Take me on, Roadmarks highway

To the worlds and times, that Zelazny made

Take me on, Roadmarks highway

To adventure and danger, where fate is not swayed.