Finally got off my butt and wrote another
Legion of Super Heroes episode review
This is another one that I liked. I think either this one or
Chained Lightning represent the strongest of the Season Two episodes. We open
with the Gimp from Pulp Fiction robbing a space ship.
Insert your own sarcastic comment!
1.) Bring out the Gimp!
2.) Where's a ball gag when you need one?
3.) I can't believe I bitched about Imperiex's character design.
He's actually
Grimbor the Chainsman, who is really a Legion villain, something that I didn't know until right now. Gimpbor
endangers some civilians, so Superman radios ahead and tells Cam and
Cosmic Boy that he's headed in their direction. Cosmic Boy tells Cam
that his only job is to guard the sole exit.
Cosmic Boy chases
after Gimpbor, triggers the world's thickest tripwire and gets caught
by the old Scooby Doo Net On the Floor Trick,
"I would have gotten away with it if not for you meddling gimps!" |
and Cam falls for the
"There's a hologram of me and when you're punching that, I'm going to
lackadaisically open the door and slowly make my escape."
was a nicely animated scene. I like how Cam's voice deepens as he
transforms, and the expression of puzzlement on his monster face when he
realizes that he's been tricked.
Nowhere to run now, buddy...except maybe to that exit.
and we return to the action with Cosmic Boy chewing out Cam for
disobeying orders and letting Grimbor get away. Superman sticks up for
him, and the Legionnaires observe that they're undermanned. They decide
to hold a recruitment drive, to Lightning Lad's annoyance.
Kid joins their ranks. I like his look, it's a nice updating of his
comics costume.
You will note that absence of the ridiculous collar. It took us until the 31st Century, but we finally cast off the shackles of Jim Lee's collar fetish. |
His power is tweaked too. Here it's the ability to
nullify superpowers, rather than acquire them in response to a threat.
He's a science police officer who has been pursuing Grimbor. He shows
off his powers and they welcome him to the Legion.
Cosmic Boy
decides to replaced Cam with Nemesis Kid. Cam bitches about it, but it
doesn't strike me as unreasonable. Cam is making easily avoidable
mistakes, fucking up constantly and disobeying orders in the field,
while Nemesis Kid has specific experience opposing Grimbor. Of course
you're going to want to Nemesis Kid in that role.
In order to
pick up Cam, Superman takes him to an underground fighting tournament,
which is always how my parents cheered me up when I was feeling down.
(And it seems a little out of character for Superman knows of an
underground fighting tournament, but I assume he either learned about it
in the course of his Legion duties or from his time playing Mortal
Kombat vs DC.) It's being held on Asteroid K-19, presumably the
The scene begins with Karate Kid being ejected for
not having super powers and then there's a quick montage of weird aliens
fighting each other. Superman steps into the ring and smacks the shit
out of all comers and then Karate Kid returns and challenges him. The
announcer tells him that he doesn't have to fight KArate Kid, because he
doesn't even have any powers, but Superman just looks at him and says
quietly, "Then it should be a quick fight."
That's a Superman
moment right there. It's not up there with my
favorite scene from All-Star Superman, but it gets him right. The belief that no one should
be dismissed, that everyone should be given a chance to prove
That's a motion blur, not some kind of weird claw. Also, I see your Flight Ring and I see your bright red boots, Superman. What kind of disguise is that? |
"I know kung fu." |
So he spars with the Karate Kid for a while, and
he's Superman while Karate Kid is just this guy who works out a lot, so
it goes about like you'd expect, with Superman dodging effortlessly at
super speeds. Karate Kid wins by a ring out, then Superman floats up,
removes the disguise that probably wasn't fooling anyone, and welcomes
Karate Kid to the Legion.
on board the cruiser, Superman introduces him to the rest of the team.
Timber Wolf asks what his powers are, and Karate Kid answers that he
doesn't have any.
Lightning Lad answers, "No powers, huh? That's
an interesting way to go, Superman." Heh. This line always makes me chuckle. The delivery really makes it
work here.
In replay Superman
answers that everyone else was born with or given their powers, but
Karate Kid's were earned through hard work and tireless
Cosmic Boy replies to that with, "Inspiring, but this
isn't the 'Legion of guys who try really hard'." and Lightning Lad
expands to that, answering,that they don't allow members without powers
because it's unsafe for them to be put in the field. Cosmic Boy agrees
and says the best they can do is find him a support role.
scene is the Kid and Cam walking down the hallway, with the Kid pushing a
31st century laundry cart. I do like the episode, but an Asian super
hero who is trained in the martial arts, speaks in epigrams and has to
do the laundry verges on the insensitive.
The Kid says that he
remembered that there is a solution to every problem, and Cam asks him
if he got that from the motivational poster in the break room. Heh.
transition to a briefing, where they watch some footage of Grimbor
stealing a bunch of junk. He's stolen a cell disruptor and a thingie
that disrupts electrical fields, so presumably he's collecting stuff to
nullify the powers of the better known Legion members.
Cam gets
night shift, and an alert goes off. He and Karate Kid see that Grimbor
has been located, so they go back and try to catch him, but he beats them
all up with his bolos and traps and gets away. One of them is booby
trapped and Karate Kid is almost caught in the explosion, surviving only
because Cam transforms to shield him.
Cosmic Boy: Tell me, Nemesis Kid, what have we learned today?
Nemesis Kid: Let's see, that Cam lacks the judgement necessary
for leadership roles, and Karate Kid doesn't have the super powers
needed to keep himself safe.
They're kind of being dicks about it, but this is a legitimate
complaint. Maybe I've got a different perspective as a parent, but I can
get huffy too when I tell my daughter the same thing five times and she
still isn't listening, (and she isn't even fighting super villains), so
I think it's understandable that they're coming off a little short with
Back on the cruiser, he's on probation and Karate Kid is
off the team. The rest of the Legionnaires found a clue in the form of a
handprint on Nemesis Kid's shirt, so they go to the only place where
the dust that composed the print can be found.
Cam and the Kid
figure out that this must be a trap, because Grimbor didn't steal
anything on his last outing. (Though I think that's a little weak,
because he was outnumbered four to one when he ran, and I think it's
just as likely that he was fleeing to steal another day while he still
But the Legion walks into his "trap", which is pretty
much just blasting them with his power draining gun at close range. I
don't know why it required all these Rube Goldberg machinations, but
that's super heroes for you. He captures them, Cam and Karate Kid
rescue them,
"Back on the Chain Gang" |
and Grimbor seemingly dies through misadventure like a Disney
villain. At the end of the episode, we see Karate Kid's swearing in,
which is always something that I enjoy.