Tuesday, April 4, 2023

04 April 2023: Roger Zelazny Poetry Month: An Elegy for Angels and Dogs

Prompt: Write an elegy for angels and dogs.

Angels and dogs, two creatures divine,

Now rest in peace, their spirits entwine.

In heaven above, they dance and play,

Forever in joy, never to stray.


Angels so pure, with wings of white,

Guided us through the darkest night.

Their grace and beauty, a sight to behold,

Their love and protection, never to grow old.


Dogs so loyal, with wagging tails,

Their love and devotion, never fails.

They comforted us when we were down,

Their unwavering loyalty, a precious crown.


But now they are gone, leaving us behind,

Their absence felt, heavy on our mind.

We mourn their loss, with tears and sorrow,

Hoping they are happy, in a better tomorrow.


So, farewell angels and dogs, we bid you adieu,

Your memory lives on, forever true.

Your love and kindness, we will always cherish,

In our hearts and minds, you will never perish

I actually like this one. 

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