Monday, December 24, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Twelve

On the twelfth day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
twelve talking bedsheets ("Something something Timeless Child"),
a P'Ting with the munchies ("Nom Nom Nom"),
a very lonely froggy ("Join the dead wives club. We're having jackets made!"),
nine reformed assassins("Eye Eye Eye Eye Witnesses"),
eight giant spiders ("Yes, I would prefer a prolonged death due to asphyxiation to a mercy killing. Thanks for asking, Doctor."),
seven wooden witches (It could be witches/ Some evil witches/ Which is ridiculous 'cause witches they were persecuted/Wicca good and love the earth and women power and I'll be over here.)
six rubbish robots (You, gentlemen, are no K-9. “K-9, K-9, Beep Deep Boop, K-9.”) ,
CURSED BUBBLE WRAP! (“Once you pop, you just can't stop"),
four lines for Yaz (“…”),
a king crying, "Satan!" ("Excuse me, where does the queue for the fiddle contest begin?")
a time-traveling racist ("But the real villain is racism")
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face! ("You can’t handle the tooth!" )

Thank you for reading!

A couple things:

1. I know it’s spelled Chibnall. Chinball is just funnier to say.
2. I really did like the season. It had a few episodes that were not my particular cup of tea, but I enjoyed what we got and want more of it.
3. Yaz didn’t have enough to do.
4. The adversaries were not great, but I can understand why they did it, and I think introducing new monsters is preferable to strip mining older material for ideas, even if the end result didn’t quite hit the mark.

Have a very merry Christmas!

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