Monday, December 24, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Twelve

On the twelfth day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
twelve talking bedsheets ("Something something Timeless Child"),
a P'Ting with the munchies ("Nom Nom Nom"),
a very lonely froggy ("Join the dead wives club. We're having jackets made!"),
nine reformed assassins("Eye Eye Eye Eye Witnesses"),
eight giant spiders ("Yes, I would prefer a prolonged death due to asphyxiation to a mercy killing. Thanks for asking, Doctor."),
seven wooden witches (It could be witches/ Some evil witches/ Which is ridiculous 'cause witches they were persecuted/Wicca good and love the earth and women power and I'll be over here.)
six rubbish robots (You, gentlemen, are no K-9. “K-9, K-9, Beep Deep Boop, K-9.”) ,
CURSED BUBBLE WRAP! (“Once you pop, you just can't stop"),
four lines for Yaz (“…”),
a king crying, "Satan!" ("Excuse me, where does the queue for the fiddle contest begin?")
a time-traveling racist ("But the real villain is racism")
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face! ("You can’t handle the tooth!" )

Thank you for reading!

A couple things:

1. I know it’s spelled Chibnall. Chinball is just funnier to say.
2. I really did like the season. It had a few episodes that were not my particular cup of tea, but I enjoyed what we got and want more of it.
3. Yaz didn’t have enough to do.
4. The adversaries were not great, but I can understand why they did it, and I think introducing new monsters is preferable to strip mining older material for ideas, even if the end result didn’t quite hit the mark.

Have a very merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Eleven

On the eleventh day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
a P'Ting with the munchies,
a very lonely froggy ("It's not easy being green"),
nine reformed assassins,
eight giant spiders,
seven wooden witches ("Ah, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?"),
six rubbish robots,
four lines for Yaz,
a king crying, "Satan!",
a time-traveling racist (In his Brando cosplay!)
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face! ("I won an award for sticking teeth to my face. It's a little plaque." )

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Ten

On the tenth day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
a very lonely froggy,
nine reformed assassins ("So many eyes!"),
eight giant spiders ("So many eyes!"),
seven wooden witches,
six rubbish robots,
four lines for Yaz,
a king crying, "Satan!"("Satan!"),
a time-traveling racist
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face!

Friday, December 21, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Nine

On the ninth day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
nine reformed assassins,
eight giant spiders ("So many legs!"),
seven wooden witches,
six rubbish robots (D84 wept),
four lines for Yaz ("Can we go back to Punjab? I had lines in that story."),
a king crying, "Satan!",
a time-traveling racist
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Eight

On the eighth day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
eight giant spiders,
seven wooden witches ("How do we tell if she is made of wood?" "Build a bridge out of her."),
six rubbish robots,
four lines for Yaz,
a king crying, "Satan!",
a time-traveling racist ("Has anyone seen my razor?")
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Seven

On the seventh day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
seven wooden witches,
six rubbish robots,
four lines for Yaz ("I'm still here!" ,
a king crying, "Satan!",
a time-traveling racist  (Like the Meddling Monk...but racist!")
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Six

On the sixth day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
six rubbish robots,
four lines for Yaz ,
a king crying, "Satan!" ("Satan!"),
a time-traveling racist
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face! ("Son, be a dentist!")

Monday, December 17, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Five

On the fifth day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
four lines for Yaz ("I'm the Tin Dog"),
a king crying, "Satan!",
a time-traveling racist ("Do you like my toothpick?")
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Four

On the fourth day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
four lines for Yasmin,
a king crying, "Satan!",
a time-traveling racist
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Three

On the third day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
A king crying, "Satan!",
a time-travelling racist,
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face!

Friday, December 14, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: Two

On the second day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
A time-traveling racist,
and a guy with teeth stuck to his face!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Twelve Days of Who-mas: One

On the first day of Who-mas Chris Chinball gave to me
A guy with teeth stuck to his face!