Friday, September 7, 2012

Roger Zelazny Cover Art Review: Michael Whelan: Z-World

I was flipping through my copies of the COLLECTED STORIES, trying to figure out what I'd want to cover next. I liked Youth Eternal, but I think any review of it would be longer than the story itself.

Then I came across Michael Whelan's piece in Book 6. I must have at least skimmed it before, but this time I really sat down and read it and I was tremendously impressed with how much thought he put into the piece. (Also, I appreciate it how he explained the basics of how he approached the composition in a fashion that was accessible to a reader with a grade school art education.)  I've mentioned before that the Notes are among my favorite features in The COLLECTED STORIES. I think they expand and enrich appreciation of the stories. This essay was like a twelve page note on the painting. I liked it before, but I love it now.

Also, I went over Whelan's website and I wished I had done so sooner, because he was at the preview party at an art museum ten minutes from where I work! Argh!! I can't believe I missed that opportunity! I'm kicking myself!

1 comment:

  1. I think the only problem with the piece is that, to someone not familiar with the circumstances surrounding its creation, the title Z-World, suggests zombies.
