Former Doctors returning!
Tom Baker!
It was everything a fiftieth anniversary special should be!
But enough about The Light at the End. The Day of the Doctor was okay, too.
I guess I'll touch on that briefly, since I brought
it up. It was for fans of the new series. I hate Rose, hate Matt Smith,
barely tolerate David Tennant, deplore Moffat's treatment of women, and
haven't been able to take the Daleks seriously as adversaries for
decades. I thought Clara riding her moped into the TARDIS while Matt
Smith mugged for the camera was the most unbearably twee thing I've ever
This is why I'm embarrassed to tell people I'm a fan of science fiction. |
that, I thought it was pretty good for what it was. Moffat tends to
write Doctor Who as a time travel show, moreso than his predecessors, for
whom the TARDIS was merely a vehicle for getting the Doctor and company
to the next adventure. This is not without its perils, as once you open
the door to those kind of stories, the viewer is left wondering why the
Doctor doesn't repeat that solution the next time he encounters the
same situation. (See: Fan reaction to the Angels take Manhattan and
compare that to the Seventh Doctor, who was so hardcore that he tricked
the Cyberman into triggering a doomsday weapon against themselves a mere
two stories after doing the exact same thing to the Cybermen, and
nobody commented on it except Ace, because that's just how she rolls.)
I thought the Zygon b-plot was pretty boring and
occasionally nonsensical (how can an amnesiac human argue for the
viewpoints of a Zygon without knowing what they want?, which is another
of my problems with Moffat, clever ideas that fall apart with even a
slight amount of scrutiny), but the story elements were well-integrated
into the main plot. The Doctor's plan was, in essence, to make Gallifrey
duck and have the Daleks on opposite sides of the planet shoot each
other. Apparently, this worked, which makes me wonder why ANYONE takes
them seriously. Still, John Hurt was fun, and I knew it wouldn't be for
me when I went in.
Former Doctors returning!
Tom Baker!
It was everything a fiftieth anniversary special should be!
listening to the Light at the End. I don't think I'll ever get tired of
remixes of the Doctor Who theme. I'd say someone should release an
album of nothing but, except I know that Orbital already did. I have it on my phone.
I've been
listening to a lot of Big Finish's audio plays, as mention occasionally.
I like it. I think Classic Who had its own problems, and the budget was
one of the biggest. By making it audio-only they largely eliminate that
as a factor. You occasionally get exposition disguised as exclamations
("Oh, no, Doctor, he's pulled a gun!"), but that's a small price to pay.
Big Finish has ton of stories, and the older ones
are ridiculously cheap. (3 dollars for an entire story?! Sign me up!)
I've mostly been listening to stories with the Seventh Doctor and Ace.
I've also been listening to Colin Baker, who is much more entertaining
on the Audio plays. Unfortunately, he's often paired with Peri. Oh, fucking Peri! Nicola Bryant has had nearly 30 years to figure out how Americans pronounce the letter R. You'd think she'd have it down by now.
of the Doctors had one of his companions from his run. The Fourth had
Leela. Leela was never one of my favorites, (I didn't dislike her, I
just never had any particular affection for her, either), but I find
myself enjoying her parts in this play.
It's been a long time since I've seen the Leela
episodes, and I think my ambivalence is partially attributable to the
fact that the fourth Doctor had so many good companions, and I never
paid her much particular attention. She reminds me of Jamie, in that they each
came from a pre-industrial society. Companions are there in part to
serve as audience identification characters/someone to whom the Doctor
can explain something, and I liked the Companions like Adric or Leela or
Romana, characters who were something other than an ingenue from modern
day London.
The Fifth Doctor had Nyssa. I do like these Fifth
Doctor and Nyssa stories, and something that strikes me about them is
how this Doctor constantly screwing up. Nyssa surpasses him not
infrequently, and that's something you seldom saw with the other
Doctors, particularly in the new series.
The Sixth Doctor has Peri. As my friend Jen said,
"Yeah, Peri. I like the 6th Doctor in the audios, but Peri never gets
better. Stupid Peri!" I'll see you in hell, Perpugilliam!
The Seventh Doctor has Ace. And there was much rejoicing. Or as Sylvester McCoy would say Rrrrrrrejoicing.
recently started listening to some of McGann's stories and I'm I'm
happy that I happened to listen to McGann and Charley shortly before I
started this, because I really like their rapport and I think knowing about it, at least for me, really enriches the experience.
me, the story takes off about eighteen minutes in, where Charley had
just met the 4th Doctor and Leela. The interplay with McGann and Tom
Baker is fun. Baker is grand.He returns to the role like he never left
it. He'll always be my Doctor, a wanderer who fights evil where he finds
it, and not the Most Important Person in the Universe (travelling with
the Second Most Important), who can only be overcome and chained up by a
rainbow coalition of space monsters.
Regretfully, the Zarbi could not reprise their role |
I thought it was kind of amusing back in Remembrance
of the Daleks when Ace turned off the TV in 1963, just as Doctor Who
would have premiered. I think centering the whole story around that date
is just a touch much for me, however, particularly since someone
mentions it every three minutes.
It's a more intimate story than Day of the Doctor. I
like these smaller stories. The problem with every escalating stakes is
that it's numbing and meaningless after a while. We know that the
Daleks aren't going to destroy the earth/universe/every parallel
universe, but if the Doctor is running down the corridor with five guys,
there's a real tension, because odds are good that not every one of
them is going to make it. Heck, everybody, up to and including the
Doctor could die, and you'd still have a series!
Zagreus, the 40th anniversary story, felt as epic as
anything that's ever been featured in Doctor Who, but I don't think I'd
want a retread of that. The plot itself is kind of sparse. It's pretty
much what Moffet said he didn't want the TV version to be, a celebration
of fifty years, with old characters coming back for no good reason.
The Master is being a jerk, and the Doctor has stop him, but that's
mostly an excuse to get the characters together so they can interact with
all of their glorious quirks bouncing off of each other.