Monday, January 27, 2025

Promoted from the comments: Annotated editions of Lord of Light, Creatures of Light and Darkness, and Roadmarks.

I'm elevating this comment into its own post to give it some more visibility. 

Hi Josh, just wanted to mention that Centipede Press has limited editions of three Zelazny novels in production: Lord of Light, Creatures of Light and Darkness, and Roadmarks. I am providing essays as introductions or afterwords to each of these, as well as annotations. The Lord of Light annotations are quite extensive due to the mix of words and characters borrowed from Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religions and mythologies, in addition to allusions to literature. I learned a lot doing the annotations and have gained another level of appreciation for the complexity of that novel.


Chris Kovacs

Chris Kovacs is one of the authors behind the exceptional six volume Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny. I felt that the annotations added so much value to the already brilliant stories they explained. I'm really looking forward to reading these.


  1. Can't wait for these books to be published.

  2. I just came across this while googling stuff about Roadmarks, and it's a very nice surprise! Looking forward to these new editions.
